Postdoctoral Fellow in Conducting Polymer Metal Organic Framework Composites
The Shimizu and Trifkovic groups at the University of Calgary are seeking applicants for a postdoctoral position in proton conducting metal organic framework composites. Qualifications include a PhD in chemical engineering or chemistry. Desirable qualifications include laboratory experience in processing and analysis of colloidal systems, polymer composites and nanocomposites, familiarity with impedance analysis, X-ray diffraction. Knowledge of other general imaging approaches, including laser scanning confocal microscopy, transmission electron microscopy is desired. This is a collaborative project and the researcher will spend time in both groups who are housed in the Departments of Chemistry (Shimizu) and Chemical and Petroleum Engineering (Trifkovic) and so advanced communication and teamwork skills are desirable.
Application Details Interested applicants please provide: 1) a cover letter with statement of research experience and interests, and 2) curriculum vitae. Submit applications via email to and For overviews of the research groups: